

Junior wing consist of primary classes  from 1st to 5th in which the activity based learning is conducted for this purpose use organize hands on activities in the classes itself for the deep rooted Knowledge of the subject.

As these classes are the foundation of learners so effective teaching through experiential learning is essential in these classes of all grades besides kindergarten the most important middle school provides children with a bridge between single teacher elementary classes to high school, where a student takes five in eight different classes with different teachers

Whose expectation is frequently different as well. 

The Important of Junior School is foundation training. If you lack a solid understanding of certain concepts.

You will have a harder time in high school.

Thus keeping this in mind from time to time we encourage the students to participate in such tasks which instill to face the challenges of future life.


Extracurricular Activities

For classes 1st to 5th every Saturday during C.CA periods many other activities are conducted under the guidance of class Teachers, House in charges & C.C.A in charge as well.

 Activities-Such as Vanmahotsava, one act play Art activities, story writing Essay writing Quiz competition, community lunch, special Assembly & Athletics events in which Races, High Jumps, Kho-Kho, Tug of war are organized.

For overall development of the Students, School also organizes educational trips for the students.